About Endodontics
What is Endodontics?
Sky Dental Concept, Belgrade, Serbia
Endodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of teeth affected by infections or injuries to the dental pulp. The dental pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes infected or damaged, root canal treatment is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading and to preserve the tooth's function.
What is the Function of the Dental Nerve?
The dental nerve is located within the pulp and primarily functions to provide sensation, such as the feeling of pain or pressure. While removing the dental nerve does not compromise the tooth's functionality, its presence is crucial for maintaining the vitality of the dental tissue before infection occurs.
When is Endodontic Treatment Necessary?
Endodontic treatment is needed when the dental pulp is damaged or infected. Symptoms indicating the need for endodontic treatment include prolonged pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, and tooth discoloration. Common reasons for root canal treatment include:
Deep cavities reaching the pulp.
Cracks or fractures exposing the tooth's interior to bacteria.
Repeated dental procedures on the same tooth.
Dental trauma causing pulp necrosis.
Types of Endodontic Treatment
Endodontic treatments are the foundation for preserving teeth affected by infections or damage to the root canals. Depending on the number of canals – one, two, or three – the treatment is tailored to the specific characteristics of each tooth, ensuring thorough cleaning, disinfection, and long-lasting protection.
Single-Canal Treatment
This is performed on teeth with a single root canal, such as incisors and canines. Single-canal treatments are typically quicker, as there is only one canal to clean and seal.
Two-Canal Treatment
This applies to teeth with two root canals, such as lower premolars. The procedure is similar to single-canal treatment but requires additional care due to the complexity of the canals.
Three-Canal Treatment
Three-canal treatment is often needed for molars, which typically have three or more root canals. This treatment is more complex, as each canal must be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and filled to prevent future infections.
How is Endodontic Treatment Performed?
Endodontic treatment includes several steps performed by a dentist to ensure a successful outcome.
Accurate Diagnosis
The first step is a precise diagnosis. The dentist uses X-rays and other diagnostic tools to identify the exact cause of the pain or infection. Based on the diagnosis, an appropriate treatment plan is established.
Canal Instrumentation
After diagnosis, the dentist removes the infected or damaged pulp from the root canal system. Special instruments are used to clean the canal thoroughly, eliminating any traces of infection or necrotic tissue.
Canal Filling
After cleaning, the canals are filled with biocompatible materials to seal the tooth and prevent further infection. The tooth is then ready for restoration, either with a filling or a crown.
Restoration and Follow-up
Poslednji korak u endodontskom lečenju je restauracija zuba i redovno praćenje. Nakon punjenja kanala, zub se obnavlja plombom ili krunicom kako bi povratio funkciju i izgled. Takođe, zakazuju se kontrolni pregledi kako bi se pratilo stanje zuba i osigurao dugotrajan uspeh tretmana.
Prices of Endodontic Treatments
The cost of endodontic treatments depends on the complexity of the procedure, primarily the number of root canals being treated. Below is an overview of the prices for different types of endodontic treatments:
Single-Root Canal Treatment
Treating a tooth with one root canal, such as incisors or canines, is considered a less complex procedure. The price for this treatment is approximately €50.
Two-Root Canal Treatment
For teeth with two root canals, such as premolars, the treatment requires additional care and effort. The price for this procedure is approximately €70.
EndodontsThree-Root Canal Treatmentki Tretman Trokanalnog Zuba
Treating teeth with three root canals, most commonly molars, is more complex and has a higher cost. The price for this treatment is approximately €100.